On Trustworthiness
Wanting something to go away is the surest way to ensure that it sticks around. So that strategy ultimately works against us. The practice is therefore to learn to meet our experience without any ulterior motives.
There is nothing wrong with us
Touching into deep sensitivity, and the vulnerability of the human condition, began to open my heart to a tenderness so raw it felt like it might annihilate me.
The cost of forsaking ourselves
The trouble with the strategy of banishment is that it leaves us little opportunity to recognise the deep sensitivity beneath our misguided attempts to be the rulers of our own experience.
What you counted and carefully saved
If we live a life in fear of what we might lose, then we will never be able to find the happiness of a life free of that fear.
Be Changed
Spiritual rebirth is as much about deepening faith in the transformative power of the Dharma, as it is about confidence in our own capacity to change. In fact, the two things are inseparable.
Be with whatever moves through you
What would we be like without the striving? How would the path look with no goal? What is the difference between relaxation and just vegging out? How do we know?
Be held here, beloved
Grounding ourselves supports us to connect deeply, with the world and ourselves. This is our starting point, as well as a principle we return to again and again...