The radical embrace is about waking up…
The word radical comes from the latin radix which means root. Any radical act must get down to the root of things, which often lies below the surface, is hidden from view, taken for granted, yet is ultimately essential for existence.
The radical embrace calls us to face and draw in near, as near as we can get, the very crux of the matter, the rub of our existence.
We may have spent our whole life, up until now, running from our pain, ignoring our vulnerability, hiding from our own shadow. The radical embrace is an embodied and relational approach to waking up, not only to the shadow, but to the deep, transformative power inherent there.
1. of or going to the root or origin; fundamental:
2. thoroughgoing or extreme, especially as regards change from accepted or traditional forms:
Who is Singhashri?
Hi, I'm Singhashri. Welcome to the Radical Embrace.
Singhashri is a Buddhist name meaning she who has the radiance of a lion. My teacher gave me this name during my private ordination in 2010. Every day it reminds of my deep heart wish to live a life of meaning, from a place of dignity and purpose, and share any meaning I may find with others.
I am a second generation American currently living in the UK. I was born in the 70's and raised in Boston, MA by Chilean immigrants. When I was 16 I came out as a lesbian, a radical act in my conservative, Roman Catholic family and community.
Being a queer person of colour deeply influences how I practice and teach the Dharma (teachings of the Buddha). I am not a Buddhist who happens to be queer and Latinx. I am a Latinx, queer Buddhist.
The year I came out was the same year my mother died of breast cancer, an experience that dramatically changed my life and set me on the Buddhist path.
At 21 I moved to San Francisco where I soon found the Dharma by walking through the doors of the San Francisco Buddhist Centre. You can read more of my story on the about page.
I started this website as a way to share what I’ve learned so far on my spiritual journey. I'm particularly interested in helping myself and others use the unique conditions of our lives to wake up from suffering and realise our deepest potential.
What do I teach?
My approach is meditation and reflection-based, grounded in an embodied and relational exploration of mindfulness, loving kindness, compassion, joy and equanimity. I am influenced largely by the inspiring and highly accessible teachings of Sangharakshita, founder of the Triratna Buddhist Community, and Viveka, my personal teacher and preceptor.
I’m also a trained Mindfulness teacher, trainer and supervisor and an currently training as a Somatic Experiencing Practitioner (SEP). Much of what is shared here is deeply informed by these modalities.
My practice and teaching are also informed by some of the other great Buddhist teachers of our time from the Theravada, Mahayana and Vajrayana traditions.
Teachers including Analayo, Ajahn Amaro, Larry Rosenberg, Sharon Salzberg, Dipa Ma, Rob Burbea, Rev. angel Kyodo williams, Lama Govinda, Pema Chodron, Lama Rod Owens, and Lama Surya Das have all had a profound impact on me, through their books, recorded teachings and also by meeting others who have studied and sat with them. So these teachings are ecumenical, drawing on multiple sources of inspiration.
Ultimately, I teach freedom from suffering in a way that is accessible to us here and now. All we have to do is be up for it.
Getting Started
From how to set up your posture, to meditations for working with the body, the breath and our emotions. This is the place to start if you are new to meditation.
Dharma Talks
Here you’ll find talks inspired by Buddhist teachings that are applicable to our everyday lives.
Talks with Led Meditations
Ready to dig a little deeper? Here you’ll find talks that segway into led meditation practices.
Retreat Teachings
Various series of talks and led practices taken from different retreats. Great to follow along to on a solitary retreat.
Led Meditations
A selection of led meditations for you to follow.
Is this practice for you?
If you’ve spent your whole life aware of even the subtlest level of unease, but haven’t yet found a way to turn towards that unease and get curious about what might be learned in that one radical act, then this practice is for you.
If you're interested in mindfulness meditation and how it can help you live a truer life, then this practice is for you.
If you want to learn how to love yourself and others more deeply and fully, then this practice is for you.
If you want to understand yourself more fully and free up the energy currently bound up in old habits, then this practice is for you.
If you’re disillusioned by your life and curious about what else might be possible, then this practice is for you.