I am because we are: six month intensive meditation course
For experienced meditators interested in deepening their personal and collective practice at the intersection of Dharma, somatics, and social and environmental justice.
Earth-touching Tuesdays
Unleashing our deepest potential through embodiment and community. A weekly drop-in class for all, at any level of experience.
Holding to nothing whatever - weekend nonresidential event
For people with at least one year of meditation experience, led by Balajit and Singhashri and offered in collaboration with the Nottingham Buddhist Centre.
Holding to nothing whatever - online retreat
An online retreat for people with at least a year of meditation experience interested in collective awakening, with Singhashri and Balajit.
Trauma-informed Dharma Teaching: Supporting safety, dignity and belonging for greater connection, healing, and transformation
A one day online workshop suitable for Mitras and Order members already engaged in or considering teaching or supporting courses and events within the Triratna Buddhist Community.
Embodying Freedom
Explore what liberation feels like through an embodied and relational approach to moment-by-moment experience of both tension AND release.
The three bodies of belonging
An exploration of the Mahayana Trikaya (“three body”) teaching that points to the multidimensional nature of our being. For those with a regular meditation practice.
Holding to nothing whatever - weekend nonresidential event
For people with at least one year of meditation experience, led by Balajit and Singhashri and offered in collaboration with the Bristol Buddhist Centre.
The three bodies of belonging
A five day retreat led by Singhashri in collaboration with Aryaloka Buddhist Center.
Radical Embrace
An intensive meditation retreat with Singhashri and Balajit at Vajraloka, for people with at least 3 yrs meditation experience
I am because we are: six month intensive meditation course
For experienced meditators interested in deepening their personal and collective practice at the intersection of Dharma, somatics, and social and environmental justice.
Doorways to the deep
An intensive meditation retreat offered in collaboration with Dhanakosa Retreat Centre, led by Singhashri and Balajit
Sacred Somatics: embodied and relational healing and transformation
A five week course for those interested in collective, body-based healing and transformation. No previous experience of somatics necessary.
The Calling
An intensive meditation retreat offered in collaboration with Rivendell Retreat Centre, led by Singhashri and Balajit.
Trauma-informed Dharma Teaching: Supporting safety, dignity and belonging for greater connection, healing, and transformation
A one day online workshop suitable for Mitras and Order members already engaged in or considering teaching or supporting courses and events within the Triratna Buddhist Community.
The Calling
An intensive meditation retreat offered in collaboration with Rivendell Retreat Centre, led by Singhashri and Balajit.
The three bodies of belonging
An online retreat led by Singhashri, Viveka and Balajit offered in collaboration with The Buddhist Centre Online (TBCO).
Safe and Sound: Exploring the Roots of Just Sitting Practice
A silent meditation retreat for people who have participated in one of the Triratna's foundation/introductory courses.
Embodying Freedom - online day retreat
The Buddha taught that there is suffering AND there is freedom. Together, we’ll explore these two truths and the conditions that give rise to them.
Trikaya and the possibility of belonging
A retreat for women and non-binary folx in the Triratna Buddhist Order
Safe and Sound: Exploring the Roots of Just Sitting Practice
A long weekend residential meditation retreat led by Singhashri offered in collaboration with Aryaloka Retreat Center in New Hampshire, USA.
Embodying Freedom: knowing the noble truths
For people with at least one year of meditation experience, led by Balajit and Singhashri and offered in collaboration with the Nottingham Buddhist Centre.
At Home with the Elements
Offered in collaboration with Buddhafield, Singhashri will be leading meditations and offering teachings on the air element.
The Calling
Meditation weekend at Rivendell with Singhashri and Balajit, for people with at least 2 yrs meditation experience in the Triratna Buddhist Community
Path to Freedom
A weeklong retreat in the Scottish highlands led by Siddhimala and Singhashri, for all levels of experience, including those new to meditation.
Radical Embrace
An intensive meditation retreat with Singhashri and Balajit at Vajraloka, for people with at least 3 yrs meditation experience
Beloved Community
A camping retreat for LGBTQIA+ offered in collaboration with Buddhafield for those with at least six months meditation experience
Hillwalking and Meditation
A weeklong retreat in the Scottish highlands led by Siddhimala and Singhashri, for all levels of experience, including those new to meditation.
Forces for Good: Challenging Emotions as Portals to Liberation
An online meditation retreat offered in collaboration with the Buddhist Centre Online, led by Viveka, Singhashri, and Balajit
At home with the elements
Our yearly journey with the elements takes us through the forest in 2023. An online event offered in collaboration with Buddhafield.
I am because we are: six month intensive meditation course
A six month intensive meditation course for those with at least six months meditation experience interested in deepening their personal and collective practice in the context of social and environmental justice activism.
Radical Embrace
An intensive meditation retreat with Singhashri and Balajit at Vajraloka, for people with at least 3 yrs meditation experience
Doorway to the Deep
An online day retreat offered in collaboration with The Buddhist Centre Online (TBCO).
I am because we are
A long weekend retreat for those with at least six months meditation experience interested in deepening their personal and collective practice in the context of social and environmental justice activism.
Welcoming Liberation
A monthyl online Space for Thriving BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, People of Color) BAME (Black, Asian, Minority, Ethnic) Dharma and Community Connection.
Beyond the Binary: A sangha retreat for gender diverse people
Exploring the intersection between our lived experience of gender identity and practising the dharma.
I am because we are: day retreat
For those who have participated on an I am because we are six month course, residential retreat or sangha event.